Students boo GOP senator as she attacks transgender people during commencement speech – Reblog From LGBTQ Nation

After Sen. Cynthia Lummis made a transphobic comment, she lied and said that she wasn’t talking about trans people, getting more boos.

A Republican U.S. senator got booed at a graduation ceremony when she decided to use her speech to attack transgender people.

Commencement is supposed to honor the hard work and achievements of students, and speeches from distinguished people are supposed to impart wisdom to the next generation as they move on to the next phase of their lives.

ut Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) decided it was a chance to rail against transgender people.

“Even fundamental, scientific truths such as the existence of two sexes, male and female, are subject to challenge these days,” Lummis said during her speech at the University of Wyoming during graduation this past Saturday. Students booed and Lummis was clearly rattled by the unexpected reaction she got.

“You know I…. And I challenge those of you-” she said before trying to explain away her previous statement: “I’m not making a comment on the fact that there are people who transition between sexes.” She got more boos.

Those comments came during a section of her speech that was just a list of political grievances, including complaints about COVID-19 pandemic measures and the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, which has been the subject of rightwing conspiracy theories.


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