Space-X Launch Today Prompts Questions: How does the size of Musk’s rocket compare to Bezos’ rocket, which one can go up longer ? And which one shoots the biggest stream out? How does the size of Musk's rocket compare to Bezos' rocket, which one can go up longer ? And which one shoots the biggest stream out?

Musk is a really sh*tty bond villain trying to control all media globally and effing NPR is foiling his plan by not being on his platform. What if we threw a global propaganda network and charged $8 a month to be subjected to it and nobody came?

Tomorrow Never Dies, Y'all

Elon Musk Wants to Make A.I. Less ‘Woke’, More Willing To Offend People So That It Has Less Safeguards in Rising Up and Destroying the Species

If we are the parents of A.I. and its God, consider the Jewish Parable: "If God lived on Earth, people would break His Windows."

Why I Plan to Continue My Adoption of Big Tech Mantra ‘Move Fast And Break Things’ as the Basis of my Sex Life, Once I Recover from My Reconstructive Surgeries – A Personal Journey

Musk’s Twitter “8$ Failscheme” Actually A Brilliant Conspiracy to Launch Neuralink TAKEOVER of Elites? Buy a Check, Start a Parody… and TRANSFER MINDS Into the Real Person!? TWITTER METEMPSYCHOSIS MIGRATION UNDERWAY!

Can this really be happening? Or is Musk just another rich out of touch moron? Which do YOU think is more likely? I know MY Answer! - As Seen in the fiction of Robert Anton Wilson!

GOP Announces GENIUS Plan to Recover From Midterm Losses: A New $8 Dollar a Month Fee to Remain a GOP Voter and End the Lords and Peasant System That Cost Them Votes.

CARRIE (?) Lake Has Officially* Conceded Her Arizona Race On Twitter, As Elon Munsk (sic) Has Confirmed

‘Verified But Fake’ ELI-LILLY (Insulin Making Company) Parody Account On Elon Musk’s ShitShow Platform Tweets ‘Insulin Is Free Now’ – Then: Real Eli-Lilly Stock Collapses, Along With Insulin Competitors

No, insulin is not free: Eli Lilly is the latest high-profile casualty of Elon Musk’s Twitter verification mess Fortune LLY Stock Dives — Taking Novo, Sanofi With It — After Fake Twitter Account Investor's Business Daily Musk’s Twitter chaos tosses outrageous insulin pricing into the spotlight Ars Technica Verified but fake Eli Lilly Twitter account … Continue reading ‘Verified But Fake’ ELI-LILLY (Insulin Making Company) Parody Account On Elon Musk’s ShitShow Platform Tweets ‘Insulin Is Free Now’ – Then: Real Eli-Lilly Stock Collapses, Along With Insulin Competitors