Beating Toward a Metaphysic Less Unsound – #Proust / #Baudrillard / #Heidegger / #AutonomousZones #Cyberpunk #HumanistFuturisms

First-Hand Account of the C.H.A.Z. (City Hill Autonomous Zone) from a Cyberpunk Net Group Contact *UPDATED

There have been reports that the so-called "leader" of the Chaz was a sexual abuser, who was twitter posting with a girl who he had abused. People posted tweets from the two outlining this exchange. I didn't save it when it came across my feed, I'll do so next time as I think this type … Continue reading First-Hand Account of the C.H.A.Z. (City Hill Autonomous Zone) from a Cyberpunk Net Group Contact *UPDATED

Washington D.C. and Seattle Protesters Have Established ‘Temporary Autonomous Zones’ – Here’s What That Means

This site gives a good description of the theory behind the Temporary Autonomous Zone.…/temporary-autonomous-zone/  Read more from the philosopher who coined the term in the 90's and the philosophies of 'Ontological Anarchism' and 'Immediatism' at this site of the works of the inimitable HAKIM BEY.