Michael Knowles New Slogan is ‘Not Your Body / Not Your Choice’ to push Anti-Trans and Anti-Reproductive Freedom Views, But The Implications Are Clear

This sounds more like a Christian scientist or Jevovah's witness argument - those who refuse all medical services and rely on prayer when facing disease... If your body belongs to God and you get a disease, what right do you have to treat it with medicine, isn't that saying God gave you the wrong body? … Continue reading Michael Knowles New Slogan is ‘Not Your Body / Not Your Choice’ to push Anti-Trans and Anti-Reproductive Freedom Views, But The Implications Are Clear

Trump is Likely Going to Prison, Will Ron DeSantis Move On As a Smarter GOP-Nazi Leader, Or Will He Vow to Get Trump Out of Jail and Take On The Baggage to Gain the Base? (A Nietzcshean Perspective On the ‘Culture’ Wars)

Censorship, Bigotry, Anti-Constitutional Controls over our lives, - Trump may go away but the GOP will likely continue. So there are choices to be made. SCOTUS has a terrible credibility rating - but it is a stronghold of Anti-Democratic power for the right. How will the field play out after Trump is out of the … Continue reading Trump is Likely Going to Prison, Will Ron DeSantis Move On As a Smarter GOP-Nazi Leader, Or Will He Vow to Get Trump Out of Jail and Take On The Baggage to Gain the Base? (A Nietzcshean Perspective On the ‘Culture’ Wars)

I Have Always Believed the Secrets of the Universe are Hidden in the Theological Cosmogony of The Parallel Dimension of Comic Books, and Doom Patrol Season 2 is My Current Church of Choice

Wish me well. We all need things to believe in.The churchside banner on my long walk today said it, Mourn the lost, Cherish the living, Nurture a Culture of Life. Please Pray. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tTM9nbRk5A Everybody's working for the weekend. Wanna go for a ride?

Jordan Peterson’s God is a Fascist? Is this where right wing theology is? Does Peterson even believe in God? OR just authoritarianism which he wants to call ‘God’?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oRyUjMw_1A "Revenge against God for the crime of Being." Whose being? What is he talking about? Is this wholly projection? Jordan Peterson, talking to right wing journalist Andy Ngo talk about "antifa", the boogeyman version not the version that fights fascism and I consider myself an individual franschise manager of as a person who is … Continue reading Jordan Peterson’s God is a Fascist? Is this where right wing theology is? Does Peterson even believe in God? OR just authoritarianism which he wants to call ‘God’?

Pan’s Labyrinth – The Funeral Prayer

The eulogy from Pan's Labyrinth: Because the paths to the Lord are inscrutable. Because the essence of His forgiveness lies in His word and in His mystery. Because although God sends us the message, it is our task to decipher it. Because when we open our arms the earth takes in only a hollow and … Continue reading Pan’s Labyrinth – The Funeral Prayer

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky are the Philosophers to Watch This Season. Nietzsche set the Agenda and Mapped it All Out Before Losing His Mind, And Dostoevsky Clearly Delineated Why Man is 100% Morally Justified in Murdering God, Although the Matter of Salvation Then Falls Squarely In Our Own, All Too Human Hands

LISTEN, ALYOSHA The Grand Inquisitor "EVEN this must have a preface- that is, a literary preface," laughed Ivan, "and I am a poor hand at making one. You see, my action takes place in the sixteenth century, and at that time, as you probably learnt at school, it was customary in poetry to bring down … Continue reading Nietzsche and Dostoevsky are the Philosophers to Watch This Season. Nietzsche set the Agenda and Mapped it All Out Before Losing His Mind, And Dostoevsky Clearly Delineated Why Man is 100% Morally Justified in Murdering God, Although the Matter of Salvation Then Falls Squarely In Our Own, All Too Human Hands