Contemplating Religious Orthodoxy As Found Guidebooks Written by Mental Illness Saints In The Course of Reality Breaks – A Poem

by Cypress Butane It is all a mirror if one stares with the eyes Is it a sin to cut my hair I could get a tattoo but damn What does it mean - if I write upon my flesh the word 'Impermanence' - For this world, this time Permanent, La La Lee, I spin … Continue reading Contemplating Religious Orthodoxy As Found Guidebooks Written by Mental Illness Saints In The Course of Reality Breaks – A Poem

What of… All This Talk of Divine Right of Kings? And As Far As Sympathy for the Devil…?

One may of course, possess such things... But of consideration for the Devil...? Lest we forget the shameless nature of that thing After the day fades, and the fear of night begins Lest we forget and find embarrassment In having the will to walk away In shining our light... on all that knowledge of such … Continue reading What of… All This Talk of Divine Right of Kings? And As Far As Sympathy for the Devil…?

What Hath God Wrought! – A Haiku

On May 24, 1844, Morse sent Vail the historic first message: “What hath God wrought!” The telegraph system subsequently spread across America and the world, aided by further innovations. What Hath God Wrought A Haiku, by Cypress Butane Some descriptions make Cover for forgetting sensual wakes, while some silences

A Growing Boy Needs His Lunch

The girl in the back room of the club is a scientist "Nature abhors a vacuum" she says with slickness Her collagen injected earthworm lips please the God Emperor King they call it transcendence Blake called it the rose's sickness the cut worm forgives the plow the uncut worm contains more juice and flavor, and … Continue reading A Growing Boy Needs His Lunch

The Geometrical Concerns of An Inconstant Heart

I wander around this compartment - this house that wishes it were home And the lines are weary and trace displacement, the cartographer is not master of his art Either, or, the building is bereavement, a place they put him, and depart, He takes his compass, it weighs heavy, the moral, protracted, angles too... uh.. … Continue reading The Geometrical Concerns of An Inconstant Heart

Is The Music Always This Good At The End Of The World? – A POEM FOR THE BIRDS, A POEM FOR HUNTING DINOSAURS

April 29th 1999, I am handed a grubby xeroxed flyer that tells me I am being fed lies. The media tells you what your puppet masters want you to hear. It is the MACHINE. The military industrial complex. Work, Consume, Die. What is a wildin' child to do!? BECOME TO MEDIA, and well now! Isn't … Continue reading Is The Music Always This Good At The End Of The World? – A POEM FOR THE BIRDS, A POEM FOR HUNTING DINOSAURS

I Confess To Aloof Ness: A Poem

I once knew a stranger This girl on my street I'd walk out of my place and smile when we'd meet she talked and her voice well, it sounded different and sweet and we'd walk and I'd stare down wanting to follow our feet she would tell me things, secret but just anything new it … Continue reading I Confess To Aloof Ness: A Poem

The Only Girl I’ve Ever Loved Was An UnderCover Cop Who Turned Us Over When We Got Too Close To The Stronghold Of This Network

I am Amused by the simplicity of this game If I like a song I click the heart And the machine keeps the track It can remember How it felt To listen up To give attention back If I hunker down The splash screen says, when I boot up the device It’s been hot out … Continue reading The Only Girl I’ve Ever Loved Was An UnderCover Cop Who Turned Us Over When We Got Too Close To The Stronghold Of This Network

Word Around the Campfire Some lech touched boss man's wife's feet So he threw him out a window Me and the boys, get together in the down time from enforcement and beating down the lesser characters and deign to draw up a full list Things wherein which a man shall have no sense of humor bout it and … Continue reading Word Around the Campfire

Have I Told You! I Was Blessed to See, Graced By The Presence of the Big Juicy Mellifluous ‘D’

It was kind of an open, laid back, slam thing And this dude bro aflame with the spirit takes stage Proclaims in the voice of the prophet: "I'm not so much a poet, but a bringer of shame You can call me Big Juicy Mellifluous 'D' I am here to return the favor I'm here … Continue reading Have I Told You! I Was Blessed to See, Graced By The Presence of the Big Juicy Mellifluous ‘D’